

This week Wednesday we had our petit French lesson, truely we've had it in since the end of last year.
Every time the kids are gaining more confidence
This time we did a ball pass where everyone clearly said what they were supposed too.
Also the children started to learn how to count from 1 - 5 . Also some words which are similar in French and English were introduced which the kids really found interesting.


#lesson #bilingual t#languages
#フランス語レッスン #フランス語 #英語
#インターナショナル幼稚園 #バイリンガル育児 #文化的 #国際的 #バイリンガル #internationalkindergarten #culture #french #池田市 #箕面市 #豊中市 #川西市 #littlelorikeets #little_lorikeets #languagestudy