週1~2回の30分間だけだけれど、 僕にとってとてもためになっています。
キャメロン先生は、 全く英語のわからない僕にどんどんしゃべりかけてくれます。
最初は全く理解できなかったけれど、 少しずつわかるようになってきました。
中学生になって学校で英語が始まり、 キャメロン先生の話す言葉がどんどんわかるようになってきました 。
学校の授業でも、リスニングがよくわかるし、 英語の時間が楽しいです。
英語でしゃべることはとても難しいけれど、 絶対にしゃべれるようになりたいから、頑張ります。
I am learning English for three years in the Coffee Time Class since fifth grade of elementary school.
The class is just for thirty minutes, twice a week.
But this is a very important time for me.
I cannot understand English well, but Cameron talks to me a lot.
At first I could not understand him, but I gradually became to understand.
After I started to learn English in a junior high school,I became to understand Cameron well.
Now I am really understanding listening class at Chugaku and enjoying it.
I'm really trying hard to speak English.
It is tough, but I will continue the effort to be a good English speaker in the future.
What a heart warming article from one of my coffee time students, a junior high (中学) student who has been coming since he was in Primary school (小学). It is really worth mentioning that he is a great student and has no pride when it comes to being corrected on his pronunciation
Cameron Hill 英語教室のオーナー