娘が7ヶ月の頃から通い始め、もうすぐ1年になりますが、babyの時期からスタートして本当によかったと今つくづく実感します。 始めは「早すぎるかな」と思っていましたが、言葉を使えるようになる前に出来るだけたくさん英語に触れさせてあげることがどれだけ大切か、よくわかりました。ボーッとしていただけの娘が、いつの間にかクラスの歌やダンスを楽しそうに真似たり、最近では簡単な単語を発するようになってきたからです。初めて英語を話した時の驚きと感動!"One more time"と、何かもう1回してほしい時に言ったのです!使い方も分かって言えていたことにビックリ!
I've realized how important it is to let children be exposed to an English environment as much as possible, even from a very early time in their life's when they are little babies. My daughter was just seven-month old when she first joined the Baby Land and couldn't do many things. Yet, as she grew, she has become able to do a lot of new things, like dancing, singing or doing some finger play, which we learn in the class. And just recently, she has started to speak some English phrases such as "one more time" or "here you are." it is so amazing!!
I really appreciate that the instructors at Little Lorikeets know what little kids are like. So their class management and curriculum are always proper to each developmental stage of the children. This gives a comfortable learning environment for parents and children.
Not only are they providing English lessons but also they introducing useful learning resources that the parents can try outside of the class. With all of this advice, I as a mother can continue to talk to my daughter in English, and as a result she has been naturally acquiring the English language. It surely proves "the earlier, the better", which is a phrase the head instructor always saying in the classes.
Thanks very much for the great Testimonial, we are so happy that you are happy in our school.