Coffee Time notes 27th Nov and 2nd of Dec

Coffee Time
Umeda english time

Its been awhile since I've put up some coffee time notes.

Next year (January) there sill be a few changes to Coffee Time.

Because of the demand Saturday Coffee Time will be starting up In January..(maybe)

Also Im considering a ticket system for people who can't come often but want too ( the tickets will have a limit of one year on them) but again this is in the works. Keep on watching for details.

27th notes

* lender
* loaned
* borrower
* loanee (more for sports)
* credit
* moths
* bank notes
* what a waste
* In betweeen Umeda and Yodoyabashi
* January
* central
* subjects
* no lyrics, music only
* registration
* waterfall
* a twenty four hour bug
* starting the teenage years early
* inflexible
* I'm so envious of her

2nd Dec

* we opened a can of worms
* bureaucracy
* futuristic looking
* scifi
* voice actor
* nice to meet you
* nationalities
* consulate
* why can you understand English so well
* revision
* hybrid
* he's taught me many things
* what area do you live in?
* correct
* collect
* the work suits you
* get bored soon
* concentration
* drama
* hitch hiking
* In one house three generations
* Osaka and Tokyo is different
* no court case for an accident that happened so long ago
* ministry of justice
* complex
* by my self
* there was a ban on native language at the school I studied at