The early birds in daycare decided to build a game of Othello by themselves.
Pretty impressive and imaginative if you ask me.
And all in English...
Who needs #英会話 ..
#異年令保育 #認可外保育施設 #ワンルーム保育 #日本の事 #日本行事 #池田市 #川西市 #豊中市 #宝塚市
The early birds in daycare decided to build a game of Othello by themselves.
Pretty impressive and imaginative if you ask me.
And all in English...
Who needs #英会話 ..
#異年令保育 #認可外保育施設 #ワンルーム保育 #日本の事 #日本行事 #池田市 #川西市 #豊中市 #宝塚市