This morning my junior high student

This morning my junior high student was reading from his NHK 現代英語 about a cafe in Tokyo called "Avatar robot cafe". In the cafe they run a hybrid system where they have robots working but they are operated by people who have disabilities and cannot leave home.

I was impressed for three reasons.

1. That they are trying to merge the human and technology together and removing barriers

2. Finding a solution for the the lack of human resources in the labor market by taping into an underutilized resource.

3. That NHK is teaching this to junior high school students, which is great because it's preparing them for the technovate future they will live in, showing that NHK is forward thinking (actually the book is for senior high, but he already has 英検 準1級)

I just found this interesting as I have just finished Globis's "Technovate for future enterprise" with Jorge Calvo, PhD as our lecturer, and we learnt all about this, the new industry 5.0 ...maybe ?


Personal LinkedIn account

Technovate for future enterprise

NHK 現代英語

GLOBIS University - Graduate School of Management

#japan #technology



#現代英語 #mba #mbastudent


#Globis #industry4 #industry5

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Comments: 3
  • #1

    Michael Rada (Friday, 17 December 2021 16:56)

    Thank you for sharing and interest in INDUSTRY 5.0. My name is Michael Rada, I am the Founder of INDUSTRY 5.0 and I do implement its principles in a real business environment since 2013 already. Please feel free to learn more about INDUSTRY 5.0 from our small library or contact me through my LINKEDIN account

    Have a nice day free of waste and wasting in all its forms and stay safe

    Michael Rada, HUMAN

  • #2

    Anitha Selvan (Friday, 07 January 2022 16:16)

    My daughter is currently in 2 years old. After 3 can she be enrolled in the School, is there any specific rules and regulations for the admission.
    Thanks a lot.

  • #3

    Little Lorikeets OWNER (Friday, 07 January 2022 16:36)

    Hi Anitha,
    Thanks for your enquiry
    Please get in touch with us using the below email, and we will answer your questions