Little Lorikeetsでは、親と一緒に参加する baby, toddlerのクラスがあり、子どもたちはレッスンを通して英語を聞くことや英語の構造に慣れていきます。ですので、プリスクールの年齢に達した頃には、既に英語に慣れているため、例え意味が分からなくてもストレスを感じることはありません。会話をたくさん耳にしていますし、英語で何か行うという経験も積んでいるからです。
Babyから更に進んでいくと、より高度な内容のhappy toddler、そして親と離れて子どもたちだけで英語オンリーの環境で学ぶ Munchkin/preschool へとステップアップしていきます。しかし、この頃までに、子どもたちは英語を話すということに慣れており、上達するのもどんどん速くなっていきます。Babyの頃から始めた子どもたちが、Munchkin/preschoolのレベルになった時、英語を話し出すのが本当に速くて、とても驚かされます。彼らの英語を聞いて理解する能力、フレーズを繰り返したり覚えたりする能力は、目を見張るものがあります。言うまでもなく、英語の環境にいる時間は重要です。週5日のプリスクールに来ている子どもたちは、数ヶ月間のうちに流暢な英語を話すようになっていて、本当に素晴らしいです。このようなことからも、英語オンリーの環境は非常に効果が高く、また、その
Little Lorikeets オーナー ヒル・キャメロン
翻訳者 北村敦子
So you want to learn English, it's a fun thing to do, anybody can do it so let's go to a school where they only speak English that's a great idea. Get in the school wow everybody is speaking English... what?... I'm not allowed to speak Japanese, this is difficult I thought English is supposed to be easy. But I don't understand a thing he is saying I hate this I want to go home..
This is a common situation for most kids.. in their situation it's stressful and maybe going to a English school that uses Japanese within the school is a better option.. though from my experience in seeing kids doing lots of that sort of training they end up with lots of vocabulary, a few sentences that they understand but no means of using it or the ability to thread conversations together.
This is why i say getting in as soon as possible in English is of the utmost importance because the more they hear native conversations happening the easier they find it to have conversations themselves.
Fortunately at Little Lorikeets we start from Baby lessons and toddler lessons where the child enters the school together with their parent and get use to hearing English and the structure of English throughout their lessons, so that when they finally join our preschool class they are used to English and don't feel stressed when they don't understand something where they get to hear lots of conversations and experience situations in English..
When I say Baby lessons it's not only for babies, it’s for students first entering into our school, this is where the very beginning foundations are laid down which are So important because if they are missed, later on there can be problems in understanding. Then as the child progresses they are moved on to happy toddler where they learn more advanced ideas, finally they join our Munchkin / preschool classes where they start learning on their own in an only English environment. But by this time they are use to the idea of speaking English and start to progress faster and faster, it's amazing to see how fast children who have started as babies start speaking English when they enter the preschool / Munchkin classes. Their ability to hear and understand, the ability to repeat a phrase and remember it is outstanding. Of course time in English is important and children that join the five days a week preschool are speaking fluently for their age in only a few months, it's incredible. It shows that being in an English only environment is a great aspect and not having Japanese in that environment to interfere with their understanding of English is a big factor. That's why I am of the opinion that joining a international preschool at a young age (from 4 months~ ) is of more value to the child than joining an English school (英会話教室)at an age when parents think the child is capable ie 2 -3 years old.
Some parents worry that their child will be confused if they enter the environment too early; from my experience and from other parents experiences this is not the case.
There are articles now from researchers on bilingualism, showing that a child's brain is designed to absorb languages from birth, but the ability to do so naturally actually decreases with age. So the sooner to start a new language the better, and in today's competitive market a child that's fluent in more than one language is going to be a valuable commodity that will give them benefits in work and as citizens of this World which is increasingly getting smaller and smaller.
Little Lorikeets Owner Cameron Hill