Coffee Time 19th & 22nd

autumn leaves
Autumn Leaves
*Japanese airlines
*get my hair cut
*lot's of men
*it's enough
*card holder
*fifty five
*close to death so tried to communicate
*death certificate
*she told me
*she got the insurance money
*lonely life


*the grave is in kyoto
*its close to...
*hold hands
*no consciousness
*what should i say
*because of my work manner
*he didn't know
*didn't want to give it up
*fraud, swindle さぎ
*go to hell
*what time is it when  you get there?
*when do you return from Iran
*I used all my holiday time
*Diplomatic Immunity
*If I got caught
*capital punishment = electric chair, hanging, firing squad, lethal injection
*Its a waste
*I learnt from another teacher
*from here


*have trouble
*seems like a movie
*what movies do you recommend
*I haven't read it
*i can
*almost always
* teetotaler


*new wines
*felt sorry for him


*free lance
*how long have you been learning English
*I can't understand




*then the old one
*ccleaner ( free software for making windows run faster)
*my child's friend is coming to stay the night
*but the
*when does he retire
*time management
*change to next month
*to speak at our seminar
*to do a speech at our seminar
*feel safe
*it hasn't been decided yet
*the "sa" line :sa gyou
*he has become good at it


*looked for new words
*lent me
*surfing the net
*buy one get one free
*MSG mono sodium glutamate
*public holiday

*labour day