Don't Let Them Suffer

Munchikin Time. Japanese 保育士さん playing with kids.
Munchikin Time. Japanese 保育士さん playing with kids.

Munchikin Time.

The best opportunity to let your child get into an all English environmental and play with English speaking friends.

To get proficient takes time and money and when they are in Elementary school and start doing Juku (塾) and Kumon and other extra curricular activities they will lose that time.

And then one day the will have to do 英検 to get into University, oh the stress that can cause for students who start English later on.

Don't let your darlings suffer like you, mum and dad might have when you were at school. 

Do you remember disliking English at school but now need it for work?

#幼稚園プレー #2歳 #3歳